Katie Kaars Katie Kaars

Why Professional Portraits Are Non-Negotiable for Every Business

I get it. When you’re bootstrapping and trying to make every penny count, splurging on fancy photo shoots might seem like a luxury you can do without. But trust me when I say this: investing in quality visuals for your website and social media is worth every penny and then some.

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Katie Kaars Katie Kaars

Achieving Your Best Self in Photos: 3 Tips for Flawless Portraits

So here are my 3 top tips for looking your best in photos. Whether working with a professional portrait photographer or snapping selfies on your iPhone, these tips will help you shine in every shot. So, let's dive into portrait photography and discover how lighting, posing, and presentation can transform your photos.

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Katie Kaars Katie Kaars

How to find the Perfect Camera for you.

Your camera should complement your craft. You'll want a camera with quick autofocus and high burst rates if you're into action shots. For travel photography, portability might top your list of priorities. So, think about the specific demands of your art.

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Katie Kaars Katie Kaars

Here's how to Nail the Perfect LinkedIn Portrait with Your iPhone

In today's digital age, having a solid online presence is an absolute must, and LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for professionals in all fields. And you know what? Your LinkedIn profile picture is a big deal when it comes to making a positive impression on potential employers, peers, or clients.

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Katie Kaars Katie Kaars

Want to Know How I Elevated My iPhone Portrait Photography?

I recently created and shared a video on Instagram highlighting the game-changing equipment I use to make my iPhone portraits. Because so many people in my community were confused about how I was shooting so many frames at once without touching the phone. Most people need to learn about the fantastic equipment to help you create the ultimate iPhone portrait.

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