Have you ever wondered why many portrait images' backgrounds are so blurred?
The Aperture is the opening in the lens that allows light to pass through the camera and onto the sensor. And this opening can be sized to control the light entering the camera, but it also creates a blurred background. But let's dive deeper so you know next time you want to shoot the perfect portrait.
The French government wants to bring in a law where influences need to state that they have used a filter on their posts.
The French government wants to bring in a law where influences need to state that they have used a filter on their posts. This isn't the first time this type of disclaimer has been used; it wasn't long ago that publishers were asked to state if images in their magazines have been retouched.
These are the three reasons why having several outstanding portraits of yourself online is essential, especially if you are a brand or selling a service.
Sharing photos of myself online helped me build connections with others. It allowed me to connect with new friends, clients and like-minded individuals with similar interests and experiences.
Three reasons why you think badly about your body.
Mel has struggled with obesity her whole life and has tried many ways to shift her weight to a healthy size without any luck until Ozempic.
What's in store for 2023 for me? I'm back after a very busy December and a very relaxing January. The kids are finally back at school, so I have time to think and create.
It’s time for women like me to feel confident in front of the camera.
I'm proud to say I have finally created the online community I have always craved. This year I set one goal: to elevate my social media, and I did it!
So I started creating a series of short videos to help EVERYONE take better portraits and videos with their phones.
I don't talk about my personal project enough, so here's the back story.
Feeling like I’m a part of something is very important to me.
Here are my four top tips on how to feel confident in front of a camera.
This image wouldn’t pass as a passport photo, but it’s a great cover image.
Three reasons you should look at what your professional photographer has shot before your shoot is over.
You need to engage with what's happening during your photoshoot; don't leave it up to the photographer.
Wearing the appropriate attire for your portrait photo session will make for better pictures.
First, present yourself like you would for a job interview.
Then, do your hair and makeup like you would for a nice night out.
Please don't wear red, all black or checks, they don't photograph well.
Everyone loves a business hack! Below are my five go-to apps.
I was so over all the toing and froing with my clients regarding costs. So, it helped me to set my prices and organise payments and contracts. I wish I had heard of it sooner because it saves me so much time!
3 Reasons Why Being Photogenic Doesn't Matter
If I had a dollar for every time I heard, "I hate having my photo taken, or I'm so uncomfortable in front of the camera", I would be a millionaire!
Why Hiring a Professional Photographer Will Be the Best Investment, You Ever Made!
Anyone can learn photography, but are they the best photographer for your business?
Professional portraits in Sydney.
Clients always wonder what the process is when shooting with me. Below, I have broken it down into steps to know what to expect.
Here is a list of fantastic places to shoot your portrait or your campaign during the summer months in Sydney.
Man, it's hot out there! During Summer, I'm pretty fussy about where and when to shoot. Because I mainly photograph people, I do not want them to sweat, have red skin, or generally be uncomfortable. Do you know why? You do because you are intelligent people! But just in case you are unsure, I have created a list of fantastic places to shoot your portrait or your campaign during the summer months in Sydney.
The lessons I learned in 2021- and what 2022 will bring.
Another success would have to be learning more about myself as a photographer. It has been a year of massive growth for me; I have tried to let go of what should have been and embraced what is. But I hope next year is different. I'm very keen to pursue my passion for telling other women's stories through CWB and sharing my story and expertise. The stop-start of this year isn't great for anyone. See you 2021 has been an emotional ride!
Four things to do before hiring a professional photographer
Do you need dynamic portraits of your incredible team to share with the world? But you have no idea on what photographer? It can be hard working out how to make this essential and expensive project work for you; I have developed a plan to help you along the way.
Three mistakes to avoid when planning your photographic shoot with a photographer.
A shoot is a big deal; there is often lots of money involved. However, it's down to the planning in achieving an excellent outcome. I credit this knowledge to all my years of assisting. Back then (yes, it was a long time ago), we shot on medium and large format film, so it was essential to have a plan to know how much film to have on set. Plus, a courier was expensive and few and far between, making it difficult to correct mistakes while on set.
Here is a step by step guide on how to take the perfect Linkedin portrait using only your iPhone and no fancy photography equipment.
Given this digital world we live in, more employers what to see what you look like before the interview. I guess they want to see how presentable you are. But who has a budget for a photographer? So I have created a step by step guide and a video on Instagram on how to get THE SHOT, and you don't need any tripods or camera stands.
Lesson learned
In year eight, I needed to choose an extracurricular activity, and my Mum suggested photography. She knew me better than anyone and knew this was something I could potentially enjoy.