Natural light

Rose Byrne, shot in a Maggie Marylin flower jacket shot for the New York Times for the launch of Physical.jpg

It’s good to be back!

It's been such a long time since I have written about my work, but considering we are in another lockdown, I figured in between the endless housework and homeschooling, I could take some time to write about what I have been shooting!

I can't believe it's already the end of July! This last month I have been shooting a lot of sunsets. As we are well on our way out of the winter solstice and the weather has been sunny, it's an excellent opportunity to shoot with the afternoon light. Being outdoors is always a plus, especially during these COVID times when we need to distance ourselves and work socially!

 Last week I shot with Ollie and Max, a womenswear brand currently trying to relaunch in this funny time we are living through. The brief was to shoot with golden light with a country vibe, so we found a park and waited for a nice day. My shooting style is very off the cuff; I'm not one to fuss about too much as I love to convey the feeling of it being real and natural.

This month I also had the pleasure of shooting Rose Byrne for the New York Times. The brief was very loose, which can be a blessing or a curse. Rose only had an hour to shoot with me, but I managed to hit a few different portrait options in the time allocated, and she is the one they chose.

Once again, I stuck with natural light as I had a fantastic location to shoot in, and the sky was grey, a giant lightbox. I created this shot very last minute as we had shot Rose in another outfit, but I decided to try another option towards the end of my time with her. As I said, I'm very loose in my approach; I don't spend lots of time lamenting over the shot on the computer. I prefer to keep moving and creating as I go.

 Let me know what you think! Till next month! Katie


Lesson learned